•Evaluation time has expired. Please contact CONTINUUM Software Inc. (1-800-603-7446) to purchase a copy of this program. •Evaluation time will expire soon. Please contact CONTINUUM Software Inc. (1-800-603-7446) to purchase a copy of this program. Your evaluation catalog is full. You need to register in order to expand the Catalog Volume beyond its current size. The index “^0” is already used. Are you sure you want to use the same number? Experienced limited memory at startup. Cataloging operations may not be able to copy all icons from some files. A problem occurred on the Catalog volume. Please run the Control Panel An error occurred on the catalog volume. Not all items were cataloged. Sorry, could not add to catalog because the volume containing the catalog file is full. Not all items were cataloged. Sorry, the catalog is full. The catalog volume can't expand beyond 65 Megabytes. Message from VirtualDisk™: